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Cloth handkerchiefs, white set of 20 22.5 cm x 22.5 cm "Overdose"

Cloth handkerchiefs, white set of 20 22.5 cm x 22.5 cm "Overdose"

17 in stock

Regular price 59,80 €
Regular price 67,20 € Sale price 59,80 €
Sale Sold out
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Dear StoffOS fans!

Cloth handkerchiefs of 20 pieces made of organic cotton jersey packed with kraft paper banderol.

Do you need more StoffOS or do you live with many people in one household? To suit your personal needs, you can now order the good fabric as an overdose exclusively in our online shop. They are rolled up in packs of 20 and only wrapped with a banderol. Less packaging, attractive price!

We call it an overdose of really good stuff for the nose.

We spent 18 months developing this quality of cloth handkerchief until our StoffOS really deserved the name nose flatterer. This modern type of cuddly organic cloth handkerchief and skin care wipe will convince you. Whether as a women's, men's or children's handkerchief. The StoffOS are very popular with both small and large noses. And they are also perfect for baby care.

With StoffOS, the change from "disposable" to "reusable" is particularly easy, because they mean moments of happiness for the nose plagued by a cold! Let them brighten up your everyday life, because they are:

  • natural white skin and nose caressers or all-purpose wipes
  • approx. 22.5 x 22.5 cm, handy, fits in any trouser jacket, handbag or backpack pocket
  • made of 100% organic cotton interlock jersey, knitted instead of woven, 180 g/m²
  • therefore elastic and supple
  • absorbent, 9 grams of lightweight absorbent wonder
  • washable at 60 °C without leaving lint
  • non-iron
  • plastic-free packaging
  • fairly produced and traded
  • environmentally friendly, lasts at least five years
  • with rounded corners extra finely chained
  • conserving resources from forests to production, transport and your wallet.
  • once purchased, always ready

StoffOS Overdose 20-pack 59,80 €

instead of 4 x 16.80=67.20 €, you save 7.40 € compared to the four packs of five

  • Free shipping from €50 in Germany.
  • Questions? Call +495403793402 .

Why are cloth handkerchiefs better?

The idea behind StoffOS

Thank you for your interest in washable tissues!

Our first wish was that switching from paper to fabric should be really fun. We asked ourselves: How can we make people seem more bothered and still convince them to use washable tissues?

The answer: We simply offer better nose comfort in an easy-care way. And so the search for the best material for the nose began.

With StoffOS, switching from "disposable" to "reusable" is child's play, because they mean moments of happiness for your sniffly noses! Become StoffOS trendsetters!

The path to StoffOS

The search lasted 18 interesting months, during which we got up close and personal with many different cotton fabrics.

A few weekly visits from the parcel delivery company with samples later, it was love at first touch and sniff.

When we were also convinced by the results of the 60°C wash, we held the longed-for quality of the hip cloth handkerchief in our hands. Because it felt so comfortable, we didn't want to put it down. We were convinced: Our StoffOS really deserved the name nose flatterer. This modern type of cuddly organic cloth handkerchief will convince you.

Only particularly soft types of cotton, such as Supima, guarantee such a pleasant feeling on the skin.

Why StoffOS?

They are…
→ natural white nasal flatterers and all-purpose wipes
→ the new it-pieces for your sustainable lifestyle
→ Do you have a StoffO? It could soon be called StoffOS if it becomes as popular as Tempos. It's up to you to contribute to this!
→ use, wash, dry and reuse
→ handy, fits in any jacket, trousers, backpack or handbag
→ made of 100% organic cotton interlock jersey: knitted, not woven
→ therefore super-elastic without elastane and so cuddly
→ 8 gram lightweight suction wonder
→ Washable at 60 °C without leaving lint
→ non-iron handkerchiefs
→ plastic-free packaging
→ fairly produced and traded
→ environmentally friendly, lasts at least five years
→ round corners, narrow chain stitch
→ resource-saving from forest to production and transport
→ right down to your wallet
→ Nice to Nose and Nature
→ once purchased, always ready

Our guarantees

Washable up to 60°

Even though 40 °C is enough to kill many bacteria and viruses, our StoffOS can be washed at up to 60 °C without any problems to make them hygienically clean. And this despite the fact that they are made of 100% cotton!

The first: viruses, bacteria, fungi - what washing temperature is necessary?

Energy-saving because iron-free

Irons use a lot of electricity. With StoffOS you can save money because they are made of non-iron cotton!

View full details

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Uta Greve
Super durch und durch

Top Qualität, ja, auch nach der Wäsche, super nette Inhaberin

Liebe Ute G.
danke, dass Sie so für unsere StoffOS schwärmen. Ich bin zutiefst berührt.

Andrea S.
Einfach nur super!!!!

Ich benutzte bereits seit 2 Jahren die Stofftaschentücher und bin total begeistert,
bei mir gibt es keine Papiertaschentücher mehr. Ich habe nun wieder mein Vorrat
vergrößert. Das war bestimmt nicht meine letzte Bestellung. Vielen Dank auch für die liebevolle Verpackung und das kleine Geschenk.

Liebe Frau Andrea S.,

sie haben uns mit Ihrem StoffOS Nachkauf eine große Freude bereitet. Da haben sie schon einiges an Holz für langlebige Produkte bewahrt.Top! Danke, dass Sie als Familie auf PapierTaTüs verzichten. Das ist unser Ziel, die Papiertaschentücher nicht mehr zu brauchen. Mittlerweile haben wir auch wiederverwendbare Babypflegetücher im Sortiment, um dem Feuchtpflegetüchermüll ein Ende zu bereiten.

Die Besten :)

Habe die Stofftaschentücher im Ökolädchen im Osnabrück entdeckt und seitdem sind bei uns fast täglich in Gebrauch. Trotz Umzug bleibe ich ihnen treu :) Sie sind schlicht, haben eine gute Größe und halten viele Male Naseputzen und Waschen stand. Zum Auffüllen des Bestands habe ich mich sehr über die 20er Packung gefreut, die auch noch sehr lieb verpackt bei mir ankam :)

Liebe StoffOS Freundin,
das lese ich sehr gern und freue mich riesig über diese persönlichen Stofftaschentuch-Erfahrungen. Sie helfen anderen, sich für das kleine Tuch mit der großen Wirkung zu entscheiden. So gewinnen wir mehr Happy Habit Breaker für eine enkeltaugliche Zukunft.
Danke vielmals für die Treue zu uns.

Silke, die mit dem guten Stoff